Thank you again to those who expressed an interest in a Town Partnership. We use TP as shorthand.
At the end of December, we said we would be back in touch early in the new year with those who agreed that their details can be used by the town council for the purposes of this project. We also noted this is relatively new territory in Wales – there is no template to guide us, so we are keen to take the time to try to get the best model for this community.
In a time when we sometimes hear and see negative comments about our community it seems refreshing and encouraging to hear from those who expressed an interest and who are prepared to stand up and try to change it for the better.
To recap for a moment, the origins of the TP lie in the community Place Plan which was put together by the community for the community and something which some may have been closely involved. A TP isn’t something the town council can do alone – nor should it.
However, the town council is determined to try to make the idea of a TP work, and acknowledges it treads slowly, but carefully, and is presently seeking professional advice from others who have more experience.
We remember too that this particular piece of work is to consider the feasibility of a partnership – setting it up will only follow it it’s feasible.
Partnerships by their nature receive contributions from partners, so whilst the council seeks advice it asks potential partners to think and feedback either to Cllr Pete Lewington ( or Town Clerk ( on a few things which might help us all work together to determine feasibility…
- What current issues/ opportunities do you think a TP could help with?
- In what ways would you like to get involved in, and contribute to, a TP?
- It would also be helpful if you have any feedback on the sections of the Place Plan that addresses ‘Business, Learning, Employment’ & the ‘Town Centre Experience’ (pages 51-55 and 86-90 respectively). You can find the document here:
- How do you think you could be represented on a TP?
- If you have no representative body, could you organise one?
We look forward to hearing from you.