Newtown Lights Project 2020 culminates on November 28th 2020 when local talent/ schools and individuals will be sharing their performances on Newtown TV!
The evening’s programme, showcasing the best of Newtown’s talent will start at 7pm on the council home page, where you can watch it all evening.
The programme will include films from schools showing their lanterns, a speech from the mayor, Father Christmas, the lights switch on and then a fantastic evening programme of local talent sharing stories, music, theatre and making. And you will be invited to make some noise on your doorstep at around 7.15pm.
There have been socially distanced workshops for young people from Cre eight DJ project who will be playing a live DJ set from approximately 9pm.
Look out for the lasers lighting the skies above town!
There has been a wonderfully warm response across the community with individuals and organisations offering their voluntary skills and time to coordinate and facilitate many aspects of the project. Thank you to everyone involved. Please see the volunteers page to see the full list of groups and individuals from our community who gave their time.
Celf Your Health is a local arts and wellbeing company which aims to make art forms like movement, music and making accessible to everyone, equip people with new skills, experiences, a growing network of friends… and keep us all in great physical and mental condition.
For the Newtown Lights switch on 28th November 2020 we are a core team of three facilitators who are passionate about working within our community, with local diversity and intergenerationally. For the Newtown Lights this year we are working in close partnership with Newtown Council with a small National Lottery Community Fund award. Newtown Council are match funding.
Hazel Osborne (Maddocks)
Co founder/Director/Project Co-ordinator/artist
Dreamer-schemer, artist and creative. Loves people. Chocoholic. Mum of two. Grafter. Ever hopeful. Smiles a lot. Counsellor, nature connection, arts and wellbeing practitioner.
Charlotte Woodford
Co founder/Director/Project Co-ordinator/artist
Musician, writer, teacher. “Fizzes with energy and positivity”. Playful, good at organising. Leads Hafren Community Choir, Newtown Singing for Lung Health, baby music, Laughter Yoga and lots in between.
Jo Munton
Associate Artist/Lantern design/willow reindeers making
Jo jo munton – puppeteer, performer, parade creator, Tour guide to Collective Creative Adventures, Explorer into Story, weaver of dreams, staunch believer in the power of arts to heal and transform.
With special thanks to our core team of volunteers
Bridget Wallbank
Production Manager/stage manager
Honorary Newtownian since 1988; often to be found in a theatre near you, supporting local Welsh and English musical theatre, opera, literary festivals and performance art in all its forms. I love making stuff happen. Also Ffonic flautist, keen knitter and part-time birdwatcher 🙂
Bridget has brought her extensive experience and voice of reason and been the calm anchor in the storm of changing guidelines. Thank you Bridget!
Geoff Beilby
Programme coordinator
Food festival music organiser, grandad, band leader (Ffonic), guitarist, accordionist, walker and footpath mender and mapper, cyclist, landscape architect (retired), loves Newtown, optimist.
Geoff has been a great team player and communicator, bringing his humour, honesty and knowledge of local people and talent. Thanks so much Geoff!
Tamsin Colucci
Support production and stage management.
Performer and arts administrator, Tamsin has brought her sparky ideas, enthusiasm and community contacts. Thank you Tamsin.
Matthew Hedges
With thanks to Matthew for his enthusiasm and hard work supporting the development of this year’s exciting digital programme. Matthew yer a diamond.
Jean Carter
(Celf Your Health)
With grateful thanks to our third director Jean Carter. Without her foresight this company would not be in existence. Thanks for your inspiration and dedication to the community Jean.
Mik Norman
(PAVO volunteering Officer)
Mik has given us so much support setting up the project, including getting all our infrastructure in place, sending us volunteers and it was Mik’s idea to do the community song which has been such a joy. Thank you so much Mik.
Creative Stuff Newtown (Cre eight youth DJ Project)
Sorelle White
Volunteer, DJ Workshops
Town Council officer by day. In a previous life ran a theatre company, worked in TV, radio and artist management. Loves music & dancing, so excited to be helping to set up the young people’s DJ Workshops. Creative stuff is good for the soul!
Chris Crasher Jones
Dj and festival crew member
Vinyl and big speaker junkie… counsellor, support worker and community safety activist… cycle nut, persistent door-pusher and Dad
Karen Cadman
Karen Binty Cadman. Momma bear of 3, carer, DJ, nanny binty, mischief maker, crafter, fairy dust sprinkler. Nature lover..tree hugger, tea maker.
In the words of the Arch Druid of Anglesey – “We take what we do very seriously, but never ourselves.”